Thursday, June 12, 2008


Yeah yeah, super N3RDC0R3 I know. But I have my copy and so does PAPER. We waited outside of the Gamestop for the Midnight Release. Too much fun! We were the only ones outside for the longest time, so the manager let us in an we all just talked with the workers and fucked around. It was Awesome! After we picked up our copies, we IMMEDIATELY went home and started that fucker up! P-I-M-P S-A-U-C-E!!! I ended up playing until 3 in the morn. I advise all my PS3 homies to definitely, DEFINITELY buy this game! It's sooooooooooooo GOOD! It's GRRRRRRRREAT!!!


p.s. pics comin' soon, kiddos!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The DOOMcast.

Well, ladies and gentlemen. Haven't been posting here in awhile. Yes. I know. It has been quite some time since our last post. Well, we've been busy taking over the world and eating too much In-N-Out Burgers. Anyway, we've decided to start posting podcasts! Yes, that's right. And of course, it's gonna be named 'The DOOMcast.' We still gotta get some things rolling sooooooooOOOoo be prepared. It's coming.