Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Downward Spiral Of Las Vegas

Las Vegas. This tourist paradise. An anti-utopia for residents. Some people call it home. Why they call it this, I don't know. Not much of a home, but it will do. It's more of a half-way house. Come here, stay here for awhile, and then move on. Move on to greater things. Unless, of course, you like it here. You got thousands of people coming here every week. Some looking for the closest MegaBucks machine, or the craps table for a quick roll. Shit, some tourists come looking for that 'wild, night in Vegas' story to tell to their friends. We all know that story, hehe. Hell, sometimes, it's us who give the tourists that story. Some people just wanna get away. Las Vegas is the perfect place to do it. You got 24/7 everything. Anytime of day, you can walk around with a glass of beer and no one will look down on you. They won't say, 'You have a problem for drinking this early in the morning.' They probably will say something like, 'Starting the party early? Hehe!' You got corruption and brutality. Everything. All the evil you can handle. It's sin dressed up in neon lights, and tall buildings...

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